League of Legends (LoL) Players Love One Thing About Briar, and It's Hard to Disagree: The "Cannonball" Gameplay

In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends (LoL), the addition of a new champion is always a momentous event. Riot Games recently introduced Briar, a champion whose unique gameplay mechanics are captivating players like never before. Unveiled on September 13, Briar boasts a skill kit that almost demands players to adopt an all-in strategy.

In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends (LoL), the addition of a new champion is always a momentous event. Riot Games recently introduced Briar, a champion whose unique gameplay mechanics are captivating players like never before. Unveiled on September 13, Briar boasts a skill kit that almost demands players to adopt an all-in strategy. This high-risk, high-reward gameplay style has fans buzzing, especially under a Reddit post dated September 17, where the "cannonball" nature of Briar's ultimate was lauded as incredibly fun.

Though she started off with a less-than-impressive win rate of 35.81%, subsequent hotfixes have bolstered her performance on the Summoner's Rift. According to statistics from U.GG, she now holds a slightly better 43.90% win rate, making her the second-worst jungler across all ranks—still better than Naafiri, the champion released before her. Despite these numbers, players are finding immense joy in her playstyle, leading us to delve deeper into what makes Briar so intriguing.

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The Concept of "Cannonball" Gameplay

The term "cannonball" perfectly encapsulates Briar's ultimate ability, which is the cornerstone of her gameplay. Upon activation, this skill catapults Briar into the heart of the enemy team, triggering a frenzied state that lasts until she secures a kill. This mechanic virtually screams, "Go big or go home!" It's a gamble that pays off with the exhilaration of a successful engage or the bitter taste of defeat.

League of Legends (LoL) Players Love One Thing About Briar, and It

This gameplay dynamic isn't entirely new to League of Legends. Champions like Malphite, Zac, and Alistar have abilities that send them careening into enemy lines. However, the difference with Briar is the added layer of frenzy that turns her into a ticking time bomb. Once she's in, there's no turning back—the need to secure a kill makes retreat a less viable option, thereby committing the player to the engagement.

The Appeal of High-Risk, High-Reward

There's something inherently thrilling about putting it all on the line. It's the same reason why people love high-stakes poker or cliff diving. The heightened risk amplifies the sense of accomplishment when you succeed. In the realm of video games, this mechanic often leads to a more immersive experience. It's no surprise, then, that Briar's "cannonball" gameplay has struck a chord with the LoL community.

When you contrast Briar with other junglers like Warwick or Nunu, who have more forgiving and versatile skill sets, you start to appreciate the unique niche she fills. Most junglers provide a balance between offense and defense, allowing for strategic retreats and tactical positioning. Briar breaks the mold, encouraging players to fully commit to their actions. This binary approach—either you kill or get killed—creates a gameplay loop that is both stressful and rewarding, a combination that many find irresistible.

The Community Response

The Reddit post from September 17 generated extensive discussions and revealed that a large portion of players truly enjoy this "all-in" mechanic. Comments ranged from players sharing their adrenaline-pumping experiences to detailed analyses of how Briar could fit into various team compositions. Even those who were skeptical initially have been won over by the pure fun that Briar brings to the table.

It's noteworthy that despite her subpar win rate, the emotional satisfaction that players derive from using Briar seems to trump statistical efficiency. While some champions are chosen for their ability to dominate in terms of KDA (Kill/Death/Assist ratio) or objective control, Briar has carved out a place for herself based on the sheer enjoyment she offers.

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Addressing the Balance: The Hotfixes

Riot Games was quick to recognize Briar's initial shortcomings. Within days of her release, hotfixes were deployed to improve her win rate and overall impact in games. This rapid response shows Riot's commitment to maintaining a balanced ecosystem while also preserving what makes Briar so special. The Gamer Chronicles also covered her initial struggles and subsequent updates in a detailed article.

Though she still has a way to go before becoming a top-tier jungler, the fact that she's doing better than Naafiri, her predecessor, indicates positive progress. Her journey in the meta will undoubtedly be fascinating to follow as players continue to experiment and discover her full potential.


Briar represents a departure from the norm, both in terms of gameplay mechanics and community reception. While not a powerhouse in the current meta, her "cannonball" style of play has endeared her to many, proving that sometimes the risk is worth the reward. As the meta evolves and as players become more proficient with her kit, it will be interesting to see where Briar finds her place in the League of Legends universe.

Whether you're a veteran jungler looking for a new challenge or a casual player drawn to high-octane gameplay, Briar offers a unique experience that's hard to find elsewhere. Her blend of high-risk, high-reward action encapsulates what makes gaming so enthralling, making it hard to disagree with the community's love for this new champion.
