Fortnite Bots: A Thrilling Encounter

A closer look at the unexpected skills of Fortnite Bots and their impact on player experience. Bots are a crucial part of many games, designed primarily to assist new players in learning the game basics. In some scenarios, these virtual players serve the purpose of filling up the game lobbies. One of such games is Fortnite, which introduced the use of bots in its Chapter 2, Season 1. The introduction was mainly to assist novice players in familiarizing themselves with the intricacies of the popular game. However, their behavior often errs on the side of predictability with actions such as missing shots, breaking walls without reason, and moving linearly forming part of their default behavior. This makes it pretty easy for players to tell if they are playing against a bot or a human. It is almost synonymous with a bot to behave in such a manner, making it easier for players to identify them. Nonetheless, it doesn't take away from the main reason for their creation which is to make the game simpler and help new players get a knack of the gameplay. One would typically expect a run-of-the-mill encounter when coming across a bot in Fortnite. However, experiences can be varied as the situation doesn't always pan out as expected, as a certain player recently discovered, reinforcing the notion that these bots are not always the easy targets they are made out to be. This player's encounter with a bot in their match was not just the regular run-in with an enemy. This player, before landing, noticed another player nearby due to a visual marker and quickly swung in the direction of the sound. To their surprise, they found a bot swimming and seemingly enjoying the activity. In anticipation of an attack, the player quickly put up a defensive structure, their Ballistic Shield, and aimed at the bot, expecting the bot to react. Surprisingly, the bot just carried on swimming and even performing a sort of dive without reacting to the player’s presence. After seemingly waiting for a while, the player decided to not just stand by idly and initiated an attack on the bot. In an unforeseen turn of events, the bot shot back at the player unexpectedly, breaking the player’s shield instantly. Before the player could react, they were hit with a flurry of bullets and eliminated almost immediately. Needless to say, this led to the player being sent back to the lobby, their match abruptly ended by the supposed novice bot. The story quickly spread with other players sharing their thoughts and reactions to what some could consider a rather embarrassing experience. Most people thought it would be terrifying to have someone approach them in the manner the bot did. Others saw the funny side, suggesting that the bot seemed to be enjoying its swim while displaying unexpected diving abilities. Some even suggested that the player might have thought they were hunting the bot when it was the other way around. Questions surrounding how the bot managed to break the shield of the player arose. The general consensus was that Fortnite bots have a random aim function. Therefore, the bot would have just randomly fired with no purposeful target only to luckily hit the player at the right spot. Overall, as evidenced by this particular incident, while Fortnite bots are designed to assist new players, their unpredictable actions could sometimes result in unexpected outcomes.