Enjoying Baldur’s Gate 3 as a Low-Intelligence Character

Baldur’s Gate 3, with its flexible gaming system, provides an exceptional gaming experience in role-playing and has many players opting for low-Intelligence character roles. This reflects on the unique and fun aspects introduced in the game. The Baldur's Gate 3's innovative and flexible combat system is gaining attention for providing players the opportunity to be creative and strategic, enriching the overall gaming experience. This feature is allowing enthusiasts to plan and execute unusual and humorous strategies in combat, using features such as piling smokepowder barrels around a boss to finish them off in a dramatically explosive manner.

Baldur's Gate 3's combat strategy is significantly influenced by the characters' strengths. Characters with high levels of physical strength, such as Barbarians and Fighters, are heavily preferred by players to conduct effective item-based raids. However, obtaining such high strength stats often comes with a cost – low Intelligence.

Interestingly, this doesn't seem to bother the gaming community, as many players find it not only acceptable but also enjoyable to play the role of a character who's not very intelligent. Many fans of Baldur's Gate 3 argue that it's more fun to roleplay as such a character.

Low-Intelligence Characters Earning Fan Love

On the Baldur's Gate 3 subreddit, one player's post gathered substantial attention within the community. The post was titled, ''I may be stupid but you're mean and that's worse,'' accompanied by an amusing meme from Yakuza 2 that displayed vividly the experience of playing as a low-Intelligence character. The player humorously stated, ''A real man…oughta be a little stupid.''

This post was unanimously well-received by the Baldur's Gate 3 community, with many sharing their fun experiences and hilarious antics they could conduct through their low-intelligence builds.

''My Tav looks like a dwarf version of Kratos, walks around in nothing but red underwear and a hooded cape, and fights barehanded with ridiculous force. It's the epitome of that feeling,'' one enthusiast laughed, sharing his experience of Baldur's Gate 3.

With fans of the game coming to an unvoiced agreement that high physical strength makes up for lack of Intelligence in the game, comments suggesting so didn't take long to appear. ''Some people think they can outsmart me.. *sighs* maybe, maybe. I've yet to meet one who can outsmart greatsword,'' pointed out another enthusiastic fan amusingly.

Is Higher Intelligence Better?

In contrast, certain players argued that, ironically, having a high Intelligence stat doesn't necessarily make the character smarter in the game. ''My fiance Gale has high Int and he's a dumbass,'' said one such player, hinting at their bumbling Human Wizard companion in the game.

Such instances in Baldur's Gate 3 just go to demonstrate how the game embraces characters of all intelligence levels. Whether someone's character possesses high or low Intelligence, what matters the most is the ability to strategise smartly. With proper planning, any encounter can be successfully overcome by players of Baldur's Gate 3.