Baldur's Gate 3: Judging the Hardest Moral Choices

A deep examination of the most difficult moral decisions faced by players in Baldur's Gate 3. We delve into the ethical predicaments presented to gamers and analyze their weight and impact on the world, as described by actual players.

The world of Baldur's Gate 3, a video game developed by Larian Studios, is replete with moral quandaries and complex decisions that profoundly impact the game's world and storyline. This extensively immersive game places players in a myriad of circumstances that require tough ethical choices, adding an added layer of authenticity and depth.

While many decisions in the game are fairly straightforward, others are much more arduous to grapple with. One particular troublesome choice includes deciding to revive a non-player character (NPC) with a resurrection scroll or save it for later use. The resurrection scrolls are a very rare object, and using them impulsively could have repercussions.

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Another pivotal moment occurs when the player encounters Scratch, the dog. Throughout the game, Scratch stays at your camp, and players become emotionally attached to him. A pivotal scene where Scratch is in jeopardy requires the player to choose to protect him or let him fend for himself, a decision that players might find emotionally taxing.


The decision of whether to reveal player-character truths to other characters is another moral challenge players face. For many players, this places them in a problematic position of whether to lie or honestly express their experiences and truth and bear the consequences of the disclosure.

The next moral predicament players face is the choice to kill or spare a follower who betrays the group. This decision comes with its’ share of ethical worries: whether to show compassion and understanding or to seek strict justice. It's basically a choice between redemption and punishment.

Additionally, Baldur's Gate 3 players also face a dilemma when encountering a mind flayer tadpole. The choice to embrace or resist its powers seriously affects the game's storyline. As a player, the decision is particularly tricky as it offers immense power but at a steep price.

Another pressing predicament is deciding when to use and who to use limited resources on. This decision can be incredibly difficult, especially when used on a fellow party member enhancing the sense of responsibility for players. This encapsulates the game's essence of checking every decision and calculating every move.

Moreover, players are faced with the choice whether to place their trust in a powerful yet dubious character. This situation requires a high degree of judgement and speculation, making it one of the game's more challenging predicaments.

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The next tough decision players face is regarding the fate of the Hag. Players have the power to decide whether to let the Hag live or die. This particular choice puts players in a compelling position to consider mercy over justice or vice versa.

A moral situation that could potentially strain intra-party dynamics is the choice to either side with a companion who's in the wrong or support an NPC who's in the right. It's a choice where loyalty clashes with morality, and the player needs to ponder what they value more.

The decisions players make when given the option to deceive their friends, influence other’s minds, or betray allies all require the players to grapple with extensive moral and ethical questioning. Each choice has its own set of implications and repercussions, making it a thoughtful process.

Another knotty predicament is whether to give up a powerful item for the greater good. This choice manifests the classic moral spectrum of selflessness vs selfishness, making it a tough decision to wrestle with.

Furthermore, players face a choice concerning a rogue mind flayer. To kill it or try to salvage it is a decision that plays out dramatically, thus leaving a profound impact on the player's handling of morality in a game.

The option to side with distinct factions presents another moral test for players. They have to decide whether to support groups that align more with their objectives or their values, adding a dimension of political maneuvering to the moral conundrum.

Another moral challenge presents itself in the form of the choice to exploit the vulnerable for personal gains. It's a decision that tests the players' moral fiber and makes them question how far they're willing to go for personal gain.

Some decisions may also entail a high price for power. Players must decide if they are ready to sacrifice their humanity and ethical codes to gain unprecedented power – a common motif in Baldur's Gate 3.

Moreover, players also wrestle with the decision of whether or not to follow a path of revenge. It's a classic debate all about letting go of past wrongs or letting the desire for revenge consume everything else.

Finally, the question of whether to risk it all, even if it means losing everything, is yet another moral challenge. It's a defining paradox of daring to venture into new territories, knowing full well that one could lose everything in the process.

The myriad moral choices in Baldur’s Gate 3 evoke numerous themes like honesty, trust, dilemma, friendship, responsibility, and justice, making it a fascinating game that challenges the player's morality in many ways. Therefore, one could say the game is as much a test of a person's beliefs as it is a role-playing game.
