Baldur’s Gate 3: The Gameplay Freedom Doubt

Diving into a discussion surrounding the essence of gameplay freedom in Baldur’s Gate 3, particularly with regard to players complaining about a 'wrong' way to play the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3, a popular game, prides itself on allowing players abundant freedom to progress through the story at their pace. This in-game freedom is believed to be a critical part of the game's appeal. Players are permitted to leisurely complete missions and explore locales, implying that anyone can participate in the game and move forward at a rate they find comfortable.

Choices you make as a player can direct the narrative towards different endings. Regardless of the player's extensive freedom of choice, a segment of the community claims there is a 'wrong' way to play Baldur’s Gate 3, causing a stir in the gaming community.

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This specific viewpoint emerged from a particular gaming experience shared in an online thread, where a player described their friend’s astonishingly quick game completion. This friend reportedly completed the game in under sixty hours, which startled the player, who noted that his friend had only played 'a little bit more than 50 hours.'

Baldur’s Gate 3: The Gameplay Freedom Doubt ImageAlt

Initially, the player was shocked, but admired his friend's audacity to progress through the game in his own unique manner. However, he was puzzled by his friend's experience of either gliding through battles with ease or finding standard encounters exceedingly challenging. The player chose to think 'you do you' and let it go, respecting their friend’s approach to gameplay.

Upon further inquiry, the player found that his friend had only fulfilled the main quests, overlooking all other quests outside of them. His friend eventually reached a pivotal moment where he had Gale self-destruct, concluding the game in Act 2, much to the player's amazement.

The player voiced his irritation about how his friend had seemingly undermined the depth and richness of the game by scantily exploring it, then expressed his indifference about the gaming experience. The friend's claim that the game was merely 'average' and unworthy of a future replay was a point of contention.

The player's recount of his friend's playthrough incited a flurry of responses from other gamers, reflecting bewilderment and disagreement over the course of action his friend had taken during the game play. Some labeled his friend's approach as the 'wrong' way to play the game, due to the 'cheese ending.'

One online user opined that the friend had incorrectly speed run the game by neglecting to fully engage with all available quests. Consequently, he missed out on various combat opportunities and magical items that could have potentially enriched or altered his build, contributing to an enhanced gameplay experience.

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This user further explained that the most rewarding approach to Baldur's Gate 3, even for players who primarily relish combat and build crafting, is to altogether explore and experience as much of the game as possible. A few comments were more straightforwardly scathing of the friend’s approach.

A user remarked, with a degree of sarcasity, that the friend had merely played 30% of the game and lost, while another criticized his friend for not even seeing the titular city in a game named Baldur's Gate.

From this entire discourse, we can infer that although Baldur's Gate 3 provides players with the liberty to play in whatever style they choose, most prefer to gratify their curiosity by thoroughly exploring the game universe. Instead of rushing, they are keen on uncovering all elements of the game's complex narrative and environment, highlighting the subjectivity of gameplay experience.

Undeniably, the freedom granted by Baldur's Gate 3 to its players comes with it an implicit responsibility: to engage with the heart of the game's story, explore its environment and opt for a comprehensive gameplay experience that isn't based on quickly reaching the finale. Contrarily, a hasty progression may deny a player the full depth and richness that the game and its creators intended for it's players to experience.

Thus, while the game permits everyone to devise their own distinct methods and speed of gameplay, the ultimate enjoyment derived may be vastly varying. Each player's distinct approach affects their personal experience of the game and, as a result, their perception of it. The debate regarding the 'wrong' way to play the game seems to be fundamentally rooted in contrasting preferences in gameplay styles and pace.

However, at the end of the day, it's undeniable that Baldur's Gate 3 offers something unique to all types of gamers, whether they prefer rushing through to the end or taking their time to fully explore the richness of the gaming world. But, as the disconcerted player and many others have alluded to, perhaps the game's primary essence lies in its exploration, making it beneficial for players to take their time as they move through the game's narrative.
