A Hidden Gem in Baldur’s Gate 3: Fun in the Basement

This article looks at an engaging side-quest in the illustrious game, Baldur’s Gate 3, which, while simple in design, offers a fun-filled late-game experience.

A unique aspect of Baldur’s Gate 3 late-game has intrigued many gamers. It is essentially the equivalent of level-one D&D duty carefully integrated into the final stages of the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is highly influenced by Dungeons & Dragons, beautifully adopting ample mechanics and lore from D&D 5e. Despite being thoroughly enjoyable for those new to the world of Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPG), D&D enthusiasts will find themselves immersed in the unique classes, trademark monsters, and much more that the game offers.

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But its fascination stretches beyond these elements. The creative freedom and a plethora of options that the game provides is attributed to its tabletop inspirations. D&D players are renowned for their innovative, and quite often, absurd problem-solving capabilities. The game has successfully replicated this feature, even in the absence of a live Dungeon Master to guide the proceedings.

A Hidden Gem in Baldur’s Gate 3: Fun in the Basement ImageAlt

Recently, gamers are spotting a side-quest that gives a feeling of a first D&D session. The catch though - it is introduced much later in the game.

Curious Task in Baldur’s Gate 3’s Act 3

An intriguing side-quest that Baldur’s Gate 3 introduces is enchantingly simple: eradicate rats from the basement of the Elfsong Tavern, as shared by an observant gamer.

This quest may sound quite typical for a novice Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Rats, being easy-to-subdue adversaries, are perfect for newbie parties and Dungeon Masters who are just beginning to manage combat.

What makes it noticeable in Baldur’s Gate 3 is that the targeted tavern only becomes accessible in Act 3, when the players have likely reached or are close to the game’s level limit.

Shared by an avid gamer, this side-quest comes across as a ‘Level 1 annoyance’ at what seems to be ‘Level 11’, and that’s what makes it engaging.

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Ridiculous or Ridiculously Fun?

The side-quest stands out not due to its difficulty level, but its tardiness. On accomplishing it, you are likely strolling in the park. With a horde of rats present in the basement of the tavern, each having only 1 HP, area-of-effect spells such as Fireball or Spirit Guardians can finish the task quite soon.

The player also speculated that the task might be a ‘red herring’ followed by a much more challenging enemy sprung to catch the party off-guard. But whilst the Elfsong Tavern’s basement holds more secrets, this particular quest remains as simple as it seems.

Adding to the amusement is the quest entry in the journal. It humorously mentions, ‘It’s not clear why he can’t just do this himself…’ pointing towards the player doing the side-quest. The humor shines through the fact that the player himself questions their role in the quest.

Despite the high stakes in Baldur’s Gate 3, it is evident that eradicating rats from the basement of the Elfsong Tavern is not only a great distraction from the plot but also offers easy victory for the player. Whether it provides a break from an otherwise intense gameplay or simply induces a sense of achievement, this particular side-quest is a hidden gem that is as straightforward and entertaining as they come.
